Armin Hohenadler


Afge Collective Bargaining Agreement Va

Posted by armin on September 9th, 2021

Another is President Trump`s executive order, if we had a ten-year agreement, we would not be able to negotiate the inclusion of changes, like the one I just mentioned. A shorter duration is better than a duration of 10 years. The union also argued that management proposals such as „the ministry will comply with the applicable law, government rules and regulations and departmental policy“ would effectively exempt the ministry from negotiations on the implementation of new rules and changes to the directive that the Impass panel found illegal. Linda Ward-Smith: Well, we`re not in negotiations right now. We have already tried to negotiate a fair treaty in June 2019. We started and finished six months later, without agreeing on about thirty of our items in our contract, and the management decided to put it in a dead end. And for now, we`re waiting for a decision from the Fair Labor Relations Authority…